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2023-01-22 12:33:13 +01:00
# shellcheck disable=SC2034
# Welcome to the Jitsi Meet Docker setup!
# This sample .env file contains some basic options to get you started.
# The full options reference can be found here:
# https://jitsi.github.io/handbook/docs/devops-guide/devops-guide-docker
# Basic configuration options
# Directory where all configuration will be stored
# custom
# Exposed HTTP port
# Exposed HTTPS port
# System time zone
# Public URL for the web service (required)
# Media IP addresses to advertise by the JVB
# This setting deprecates DOCKER_HOST_ADDRESS, and supports a comma separated list of IPs
# See the "Running behind NAT or on a LAN environment" section in the Handbook:
# https://jitsi.github.io/handbook/docs/devops-guide/devops-guide-docker#running-behind-nat-or-on-a-lan-environment
# JaaS Components (beta)
# https://jaas.8x8.vc
# Enable JaaS Components (hosted Jigasi)
# NOTE: if Let's Encrypt is enabled a JaaS account will be automatically created, using the provided email in LETSENCRYPT_EMAIL
# Let's Encrypt configuration
# Enable Let's Encrypt certificate generation
# Domain for which to generate the certificate
# E-Mail for receiving important account notifications (mandatory)
# Use the staging server (for avoiding rate limits while testing)
# Etherpad integration (for document sharing)
# Set etherpad-lite URL in docker local network (uncomment to enable)
# Set etherpad-lite public URL, including /p/ pad path fragment (uncomment to enable)
# Name your etherpad instance!
# The default text of a pad
ETHERPAD_DEFAULT_PAD_TEXT="Welcome to Web Chat!\n\n"
# Name of the skin for etherpad
# Skin variants for etherpad
ETHERPAD_SKIN_VARIANTS="super-light-toolbar super-light-editor light-background full-width-editor"
# Basic Jigasi configuration options (needed for SIP gateway support)
# SIP URI for incoming / outgoing calls
# Password for the specified SIP account as a clear text
# SIP server (use the SIP account domain if in doubt)
# SIP server port
# SIP server transport
# Authentication configuration (see handbook for details)
# Enable authentication
# Enable guest access
# Select authentication type: internal, jwt, ldap or matrix
# JWT authentication
# Application identifier
# Application secret known only to your token generator
# (Optional) Set asap_accepted_issuers as a comma separated list
# (Optional) Set asap_accepted_audiences as a comma separated list
# LDAP authentication (for more information see the Cyrus SASL saslauthd.conf man page)
# LDAP url for connection
# LDAP base DN. Can be empty
# LDAP user DN. Do not specify this parameter for the anonymous bind
# LDAP user password. Do not specify this parameter for the anonymous bind
# LDAP filter. Tokens example:
# %1-9 - if the input key is user@mail.domain.com, then %1 is com, %2 is domain and %3 is mail
# %s - %s is replaced by the complete service string
# %r - %r is replaced by the complete realm string
# LDAP authentication method
# LDAP version
# LDAP TLS using
# List of SSL/TLS ciphers to allow
# Require and verify server certificate
# Path to CA cert file. Used when server certificate verify is enabled
# Path to CA certs directory. Used when server certificate verify is enabled
# Wether to use starttls, implies LDAPv3 and requires ldap:// instead of ldaps://
# Security
# Set these to strong passwords to avoid intruders from impersonating a service account
# The service(s) won't start unless these are specified
# Running ./gen-passwords.sh will update .env with strong passwords
# You may skip the Jigasi and Jibri passwords if you are not using those
# DO NOT reuse passwords
# XMPP password for Jicofo client connections
# XMPP password for JVB client connections
# XMPP password for Jigasi MUC client connections
# XMPP recorder password for Jibri client connections
# XMPP password for Jibri client connections
# Docker Compose options
# Container restart policy
# Jitsi image version (useful for local development)