change filelocation, edit readme

This commit is contained in:
qvalentin 2021-06-27 11:36:46 +02:00
parent 63a1d64293
commit 74fa5cb880
3 changed files with 62 additions and 44 deletions

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@ -5,4 +5,15 @@ Alternative client for the [WebNowPlaying-BrowserExtension](
Requires [websocketd](
`websocketd --port=8974 wnpClient`
Run it with:
`websocketd --port=8974 wnpClient`
The information is stored in a text file: `~/.wnpClient/wnpClient.txt`.
From there you can read it with whatever application you want to use.
For example with [Executor]( for the gnome desktop environment.
`head ~/.wnpClient/wnpClient.txt -n 2 | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/ by /g'`
The cover of the current song is also downloaded to `~/.wnpClient/cover.jpg`.

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@ -1,61 +1,67 @@
module Main where
import Control.Monad
import Control.Exception
import System.IO
import System.Directory
import Network.HTTP.Client
import Network.HTTP.Simple
import Network.URI
import Control.Monad
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B8
import GHC.IO.Encoding (setLocaleEncoding)
import Lib
import Network.HTTP.Client
import Network.HTTP.Simple
import Network.URI
import System.Directory
import System.FilePath
import System.IO
main :: IO ()
main = do
setLocaleEncoding utf8
forever $ do
line <- getLine
dispatch line
setLocaleEncoding utf8
createDirectoryIfMissing False =<< workingDir
join $ (writeFile <$> fileName) <*> pure ""
forever $ do
line <- getLine
dispatch line
dispatch :: String -> IO ()
dispatch ('T':'I':'T':'L':'E':':':title) = writeToFile title 0
dispatch ('A':'R':'T':'I':'S':'T':':':artist) = writeToFile artist 1
dispatch ('A':'L':'B':'U':'M':':':album) = writeToFile album 2
dispatch ('C':'O':'V':'E':'R':':':cover) = handleCover cover
dispatch _ = return ()
writeToFile:: String -> Int -> IO()
writeToFile text position= do
contents <- lines <$> readFile filename
let newContent = unlines $ take position contents ++ [text] ++ drop (position+1) contents
bracketOnError (openTempFile "." "temp")
(\(tempName,tempHandle) -> do
hClose tempHandle
removeFile tempName)
(\(tempName,tempHandle) -> do
hPutStr tempHandle newContent
hClose tempHandle
renameFile tempName filename)
dispatch ('T' : 'I' : 'T' : 'L' : 'E' : ':' : title) = writeToFile title 0
dispatch ('A' : 'R' : 'T' : 'I' : 'S' : 'T' : ':' : artist) = writeToFile artist 1
dispatch ('A' : 'L' : 'B' : 'U' : 'M' : ':' : album) = writeToFile album 2
dispatch ('C' : 'O' : 'V' : 'E' : 'R' : ':' : cover) = handleCover cover
dispatch _ = return ()
writeToFile :: String -> Int -> IO ()
writeToFile text position = do
contents <- lines <$> (readFile =<< fileName)
let newContent = unlines $ take position contents ++ [text] ++ drop (position + 1) contents
(openTempFile "." "temp")
( \(tempName, tempHandle) -> do
hClose tempHandle
removeFile tempName
( \(tempName, tempHandle) -> do
hPutStr tempHandle newContent
hClose tempHandle
renameFile tempName =<< fileName
handleCover :: String -> IO ()
handleCover url= do
contents <- lines <$> readFile filename
when ((contents !! 3 ) /= url && url /= "") $ do
writeToFile (url) 3
request <- parseRequest url
let fileName = Prelude.last . pathSegments . getUri $ request
resp <- httpBS request
B8.writeFile coverName $ getResponseBody resp
handleCover url = do
contents <- lines <$> (readFile =<< fileName)
if length contents > 3 && (contents !! 3) /= url && url /= ""
then do
writeToFile url 3
request <- parseRequest url
let coverFileName = Prelude.last . pathSegments . getUri $ request
join $ B8.writeFile <$> coverName <*> (getResponseBody <$> httpBS request)
else writeToFile url 3
-- B8.writeFile coverName $ getResponseBody resp
filename :: FilePath
filename= "wnpClient.txt"
fileName :: IO FilePath
fileName = (</> "wnpClient.txt") <$> workingDir
coverName :: IO FilePath
coverName = (</> "cover.jpg") <$> workingDir
coverName :: FilePath
workingDir :: IO FilePath
workingDir = (</> ".wnpClient") <$> getHomeDirectory

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@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ executable wnpClient
, network-uri
, http-conduit
, bytestring
, filepath
default-language: Haskell2010
test-suite wnpClient-test